Coaching Menus

How do I choose what to talk about?

Generally the best things to work on during your coaching sessions fall at the intersection of your developmental goals (outlined in your Leadership Roadmap) and what is feeling especially top of mind and important for you at the time of your session with your coach. You may choose to focus on more urgent topics (e.g., a performance management conversation you have to have) or less urgent topics (e.g., strategic planning for the next quarter).

How your coach can show up

“That sounds rough”

“You know you are better than that”

“What are some other ways to think about that?”

“Here’s are some other ways to think about it.”

“What does your gut say?”

“Step one, step two…”

“What do you want to do about that?”

“You need to do something about that”

Self Directed
“Where do you want to go from here?”

Coach Directed
“Here’s where we need to go from here”

“Here is one technique you can try”

“What’s getting in the way of finding a solution?”

“I know you’ll get this done”

“How can you ensure that you get this done?”

How can I make the most of my coaching calls?

This menu is designed to give you an idea of some of the options you have for how to use your time during coaching sessions. This list is by no means comprehensive. Ask for what you need from your coach whether it is on this list or not. You and your coach can then create a plan for how best to use the time during your call.
Your coach can help you facilitate new observations – help you see things in a new way
Facilitate action based off new observations – creating actionable strategies or practices
Talk through performance strategies – bounce ideas back and forth
Think of new areas to work on – we never stop growing
Brainstorming new ideas and performance strategies
Active listening / empathy – sometimes, just being heard is all we need
Reflect upon a challenging experience – to gain insights and learning
Prepare for an upcoming important meeting/conversation/event
Identify conscious and unconscious patterns that impact leadership
Work through events that trigger reactions – strategize ways to respond
Consider your leadership philosophy and values and whether you are operating in alignment with them
Explore the mindset and thinking of the next level up leadership
Reflect upon the impact you are having on others
Manage your perception
Add leadership skills to your tool-belt
Refine/improve your current leadership skills

Reflect upon a challenging relationship – to gain insights and learning

How can I make the most of coaching in between my coaching sessions?

This menu is designed to give you have for working on your leadership development in between your coaching conversations with your coach. This list is by no means comprehensive. Ask for what you need from your coach whether it is on this list or not. You and your coach can then create a plan for how best to use the time during your call.
Update your Leadership Roadmap with insights, actions, and results
Check-in with your coach on important events
Check-in with your coach on progress you’re making
Ask your coach for and review resources relevant to your goals
Complete actions you agreed to complete in your last session
Talk through urgent issues by chat
Search for and read/listen to leadership articles or podcasts related to your developmental goals
Celebrate learning and progress by chat with your coach
Review your notes from your last call
General check-in on how it’s going
ID new insights that surface in between calls
Re-work practice or actions/behaviors based on experience